Old Man Dreams

Old Man Dreams

My Dream – January 8, 2021 2-3:00 am

I will try to describe this dream which is two distinct dreams interwoven as they occurred. I found myself in the mountains overlooking a shallow valley with a small pond between me and the surrounding rising hillsides with an open valley to my right.

Across the water about 100 feet away was a long large black snake that was watching me. I felt compelled to start to compose a plan in my mind as to how I was to kill this beast. I pondered at first as to why I was thinking of doing that but realized that I was there to kill this beast. When I would think of how I was to attack it, the snake would respond to my actions as if it could read my mind. Each time I would start to move my dream switched to the second dream.

I found myself waking up in my bed feeling a large object wrapped around my chest attempting to suffocate me. I could feel a large coiling animal wrapped around my torso in multiple layers attempting by contraction to keep me from breathing. I was not startled as expected; somehow knowing this was not a normal reaction as if I was experiencing a nightmare; and, was consciously oddly aware of my unusual calmness. As I climbed out of my bed I could see in the dark that a large black snake was wrapped around me in at least three layers deep holding my arms tightly against my rib cage. Oddly without any fear or doubt I pulled my arms free without any noticeable resistance to examine this animal seeking to kill me. As I started to conceive a plan as to what to do next I found myself back at the first dream.

The snake suddenly seemed to fear me and began to slither away to my left. I ran rapidly around the pond of water and began to close the distance behind it’s long body. The closer I got the speed of the snake slowed as if my imminent presence was controlling it’s ability to escape.

I’m back in my bedroom. The size of the snake was at least six inches in diameter so I walked with the weight of what felt like 100 pounds of snake around me to the kitchen. I pulled my wife’s largest butcher knife out of the drawer and began to slice each row and layer of the snake into pieces at it’s carcass fell to the floor.

I’m back at the pond. The snake was frozen and afraid to move as I walk toward it’s head. I pulled my knife out it’s sheath and stabbed the beast’s head to the ground. Then suddenly I found myself back on the other side of the pond looking across the water and the slain animal. The pond suddenly became a swamp. I felt confused and then realized where I was.

In the 1990’s our family used to camp on a high mountain ridge every year as a family outing. From this majestic vista on Rampart Range Road we could see Pikes Peak as our southern horizon. The girls had gone for a walk and came back saying that down in the valley below us they became very uneasy about the forest around them and immediately came back to tell us of this odd experience. The next day we decided to investigate. In the shallow canyon just west of where the girls had gone to look at a beaver pond in the valley below we found a satanic ritual site. A pentagram made of branches and sticks piled like a fence about 3 feet high and around 100 feet across. My oldest daughter who is very sensitive to the spirit could not even walk up the canyon to see what we had found because she said later she felt the screams and tortuous agony of many souls. My son and my two son-in-laws made a cross the next day and went down to the structure and mounted it in the middle of the pentagram.

This exact spot is where I found myself in my dream over 20 years later. The swamp was covering the spot where the pentagram structure once stood but now the beast that was seeking my death was now dead.

I rapidly came awake and began to ponder my dream.

Kenneth D. Davis
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Last modified 8 Dec 2021