Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Ekklesia was formed to serve …

Ekklesia was formed to be a place where Christians may read about and/or contribute to the examples, discussion and resources of those who come to visit with us. Ekklesia means those who are coming together; and, that is exactly what we are about. We hope to provide to you, as our ministry, that the Christian walk, our endeavor to put Christ into the all of our lives can have a common meaning and purpose. We want all to know that Jesus is concerned about all of the affairs of your life; and, how that can be all put together. We are here to provide information, provoke thought, search out the truth and in all cases serve God and His Son faithfully.

In 1972 a striking thought came after prayer and Bible study. When I looked at the first four books of the New Testament, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John a startling question arose. Why does Jesus mention the word “church” Ekklesia – to come together only twice; and, then Jesus talks about the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God over 100 times? Yet today we seem to be almost exclusively preoccupied with a corporate body meeting in an earthly building we refer to as the church? For more than thirty years I have sought answers to that question; and, … all of the new questions those studies have generated…

    Why is Jesus, the Son of God almost exclusively occupied with the Kingdom?

    Why did Jesus say He would build His church, yet we talk in the context of building churches?

    Why do we not talk about the kingdom with the same priorities as Jesus did?

    What then is the kingdom that Jesus talked so much about?

    Have we given position or authority to the church that it does not have?

    What really is the church?

    What, Where, How and Why? What is my place, my part, my life: In the Kingdom? In the Church? In Jesus Christ?

The more I studied, the more questions seemed to arise. If you have pondered the same questions, even ones similar; or, these questions have pricked your curiosity, then what Ekklesia is all about; is for you.

Can it be that the Christian community is off of the mark? That we have institutionalized the message of Jesus? That without true answers to these questions I am missing the whole picture? The finer question becomes, how can the whole message of Jesus help me to put it all together.

I have often sought God in prayer wanting and asking for the fervor, the truth, an overwhelming desire to see God move like I read about in the New Testament accounts of the first century. A full and complete restoration of the first century Christianity. Yet the results those desires and those moments bring, seem only to be sporadic at best. You know what I am talking about. You sit there in church and want to see the sick and lame healed, or just to see God move more powerfully in the lives of His people; and, to have them know that it was God that moved them. You sit alone in prayer and just wish God would speak back to you, that a real conversation would ensue. You pick up the Bible and read; wishing that you knew what it really meant. You want God and His mercy to fill your whole life, not to do this religion thing only part of the way, to commit to God completely and have it become alive in your heart for the rest of your life.

Could it be that I have sought to see God move under my terms, my theological conditions, my own self contained kingdom, church or society of believers? Have I let the gospel of others, of men, of tradition, limit God in my life? Have I accepted these beliefs without question? Have I not been concerned enough about my eternity to seek the answers out for myself, instead of accepting the comfort of the beliefs of others?

I could not accept the emptiness these questions brought. If I truly believed that God was capable of making me, then He must be able to allow the whole message of His Son, Jesus Christ to be made plain in my life every day, all the time, not just a Sunday “church” experience. God can bring us answers to many of these questions; but, it is not the purpose of Ekklesia to promote any personal understanding. No, Ekklesia was formed to become a resource to explore the depths of God’s words, the message of Christ to the world. If salvation is truthfully an individual thing, then anyone should be able to hear the message of Jesus and come to the conclusions necessary for their individual salvation.

THEREFORE Ekklesia is to be a place to learn, to contribute, to study; and, to find out more about the message of Jesus. Ekklesia will not be bound by the principles and traditions of men, or become institutionalized; but, simply seek in the awesome fear of God, individual salvation and a personally involved relationship with the savior of souls — the King — the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

Ekklesia seeks to provide a place where all can openly learn about, participate in, contribute to; and, become a part of the coming together. We aspire to be a vessel to provide to the world the message that Jesus wants your whole life, not some little part of it. Instead of us being a part of some religious entity that we can apply when we need it, we hope to provide information that will aid in crisis; or lead you to other resources and answers to the many problems of modern life. Let us learn together the all of how Jesus can be a part of, and fill our lives.

We desire for Jesus to build His coming together, a church built by Jesus.

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Last modified 30 Jun 2020