Mask Mandate Investigation

Mask Mandate Investigation

Kenneth Davis

October 15, 2021

This Document is for the public (Download for public distribution) to assist anyone in the discovery the tyranny propagated by the current regime in Washington to corrupt, control and destroy public education and the safety of our children.

How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The LORD will deliver him in a day of trouble. 2 The LORD will protect him and keep him alive, And he shall be called blessed upon the earth; And do not give him over to the desire of his enemies. (Psalms 41:1-2 NAU)

A. Federal Government Section

  1. The Congressional Act: H.R. 1319
    1. This is completely owned by the Democrats; no Republican voted for this in either the House or the Senate.
    2. A breakdown of the Act by where the money goes.
      1. $1.9 Trillion
      2. The Title II Section covers Education.
        • Over $120B
    3. (i) SAFE RETURN TO IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—A local educational agency receiving funds under this section shall develop and make publicly available
      on the local educational agency’s website, not later than 30
      days after receiving the allocation of funds described in para-
      graph (d)(1), a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction
      and continuity of services. (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021’, H. R. 1319, Sec. 2001, (i)(1), p. H. R. 1319—20.)
    4. NOTE: H.R. 1319 Section 2001 is the specific part concerning Education.
    5. Federal Register for H.R. 1319.
  2. Federal Department of Education
    1. Note: The money started last year under Trump Administration with CARES I.
    2. Beginning in 2021 was the announcement of CARES II
      1. Links from this page
    3. Updated page showing greater detail
      1. Major links from this page.
  3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    1. Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Prevention (updated May 15, 2021).
      1. This page was later updated. It is cited for reference as the plan of control expands.
    2. Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools (updated August 5, 2021).
      1. Notice the subtle change from ‘Operational Strategy’ to ‘Guidance’ in the page title.
        • The U.S. Department of Education suddenly has authority over the 10th amendment in letters to State Governors and Legislatures who said No To Mandates. (See 2.3)
        • The Department of Education, in documents sent to State governments and State Departments of Education, clearly imply CDC guidelines must be followed to receive grant monies. Please refer also to Colorado State Department of Education Section.
        • The CARES II and CARES III grant applications for Educational institutions had to be submitted by March 23, 2021. (See Following Sections for State and Local links).
          • Now in August, 2021 the content (tone of obedience) from the Federal Government begins to change.
      2. Major links of interest on this page.
        • Please look at this page carefully, the New Delta variant is the impetus of fear.
        • UPDATE Given new evidence on the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant, CDC has updated the guidance for fully vaccinated people. CDC recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status. Children should return to full-time in-person learning in the fall with layered prevention strategies in place.
        • The Parent FAQs link on the left is very telling in its context to substantiate fear and pose questions for parents to ask their schools. In the following section you will see how this connects to the Return to Learn required web page for any school to have within 30 days of grant submission under the grant requirements.
        • Read this stuff.
          • Vaccinate children
          • Masks if you’re 2years old and up
          • 3 feet apart
          • Double layers of protection
          • Contact tracing in combination with quarantine and isolation
        • Section 1: Prevention Strategies to Reduce Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Schools
        • Section 2: Additional Considerations for K-12 Schools
      3. This page becomes the textbook for all Department of Education FEMA, Homeland Security and State and Local school website guidelines for Safe Return to Learn.
    3. CDC Statutory Authority
      1. I cannot locate any documentation that shows any CDC authority in excess of this page on their own website.
      2. The question begs itself how they were given authority under law to do what they are now currently doing.
        • This authority could only come from internal authorization of some un-elected official inside the Executive branch.
      3. Everywhere you look in current published documents to find any statement that contains, ‘You must wear a mask according to Federal Law‘. The law doesn’t exist.
      4. Laws are only created by U.S. Congressional action.
      5. This is the only reference found related to this obtrusive claim.

B. State Government Section (Colorado)

  1. The main page on Colorado Department of Education.
    1. Notice all of the links on the right side leading back to all of the pages in the previous section.
      1. It becomes obvious that this State Department is completely on board with this.
    2. Major links of interest on this page.
      1. This is the tip of the iceberg ESSER State Plan (pdf).
        • The first 18 pages show how LEAs (Local School Districts) are to assist the SEAs (Colorado Department of Education and the State Government Departments) to collect buckets of statistical data dividing students into a myriad of data elements.
        • p. 19
          • B. Safely Reopening Schools and Sustaining their Safe Operations
          • B.1.i. “How the SEA will support its LEAs implementing, to the
            greatest extent practicable, prevention and mitigation policies in
            line with the most up-to-date guidance from the Centers for
            Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) for the reopening and
            operation of school facilities to effectively maintain the health
            and safety of students, educators, and other staff;”
        • p. 20-21 The following table spells out the details.

Table B1.

Mitigation strategy SEA response
Physical distancing (e.g., including use of cohorts/podding)


Handwashing and respiratory etiquette


Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation


Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments


Diagnostic and screening testing

As part of the ARP ESSER III application for funds, CDE collected the link to the LEAs’ Safe Return or Stay In-Person Plans and is checking to make sure such plans address the CDC requirements for masks, physical distancing, hand-washing, cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, and contact tracing.

CDE has developed a checklist for LEAs to use to assess their own plans against requirements, training has been and will continue to be offered on planning requirements, and CDE will be providing feedback to LEAs for how to amend or update plans to align with CDC requirements

Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance

Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible CDE works in close collaboration with CDPHE to disseminate important health information to school districts. For the fall of 2021, CDPHE is working to partner with schools and districts to host vaccination clinics. Interest is being collected through an online Vaccination Event Request Form. Furthermore, CDE is disseminating information from CDPHE to share resources to support educators, staff, and students who are interested in learning where they can receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Schools also have access to digital tools to support COVID-19 vaccine messaging including social media graphics, print materials, and an adolescent COVID-19 vaccine toolkit. Throughout the school year, CDPHE will monitor disease transmission, severity, and vaccine effectiveness trends as well as community feedback.
Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies CDE developed guidance to address the individual needs of students with disabilities including the development of contingency learning plans which would allow for a smoother transition to remote instruction in the event that this was needed based on the individual needs of a student. In addition, disability specialists from CDE’s Office of Special Education work closely with school district staff to support teachers in accommodating the needs of students, including the development of appropriate accommodations to protect the health and safety of children with disabilities.
      1. Subsequent pages give the reader a good understanding of the magnitude of control and compliance required of LEAs to be the recipients of the ESSER grant funds.
  1. Links to other pages from the Department of Education to LEAs.
    1. COVID-19 Resources for Schools
    2. Toolkit and Resources for 2021 School Guidance
      1. Best Practice Recommendations
        • “This toolkit and the resources included within it were developed in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials and the Colorado Department of Education.”
        • Tabs to Paragraphs on same page
          • Encouraging Vaccines
          • Masking
          • Serial COVID-19 Testing
          • Symptom Screening
          • Distancing
          • Ventilation
          • Hand Hygiene
          • Respiratory Etiquette
          • Routine Cleaning
          • Seating Charts
          • Transportation
        • NOTE: apparently Guidance doesn’t included any teaching advise or tutoring.
    3. Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance
      1. Why do these links use Google Docs? To track? The CDC uses Google?
      2. Return to Learn tool
        • Important link because it connects obedience from CDE to local school district
      3. Vaccination Event Request Form
    4. Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools (updated August 5, 2021)
      1. The place LEAs (Schools) to look for the upcoming news to know what to do next.
  2. Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
    1. Guidance for wearing masks
      1. “Now that all Coloradans age 12 and older have access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, masks are only required in certain places for people who are not fully vaccinated.”
      2. “View the CDC’s current guidance for mask-wearing after vaccination
      3. “In July 2021, the state updated the practical guide for operationalizing CDC school guidance, …”

C. Colorado School District D11 (Colorado Springs, CO)

  1. Methodology of Examination
    1. Search every School Board meeting, resolutions and documents for:
      1. CARES
      2. ESSER
      3. COVID-19
      4. CDC
      5. Masks
      6. Equity
      7. Diversity
      8. Return to Learn
    2. Download documents to be able to search for the above words.
    3. Use your Web Browser to search for the above words.
    4. For each hit start building a log or other form of notation to connect things together.
    5. Search the School District Web site.
      1. If you see ‘Return to Learn’ or some other similar subject area follow what is presented and review how much or even completely it reflects Federal and State wording and vocabulary.
      2. Look for financial documents.
        • Fiscal Year Budgets
    6. It is very helpful to follow the timeline of each document you discover.
      1. Watch for revisions of online documents and then connect that to local involvement or changes in public notices.
    1. To build the entire library of documents that form this paper takes a lot of time.
    2. I am distributing this paper to allow you to follow the patterns and discover for yourself and our children what has been planned and is occurring.
    3. The Federal Section is the top of the pyramid.
      1. Look at the links and examine their vocabulary becoming familiar with the political speak.
        • Make a log of the acronyms.
    4. Use the State Section as a model to examine your State if different from Colorado.
    5. Then begin to examine your local School Board.
    6. Review email distributions from the Superintendent to the public.
  3. The following are attachments that I found concerning my local School District.
    1. ESSER Grant presentation. (D11 BOE work Session Sept. 1, 2021)
    2. FY 21-22 Proposed Budget.
    3. Connected these documents to their ‘Return to Learn’ web page.
      1. This is de facto evidence of required participation.
  4. Become active. Our children’s futures are at stake.
    1. My personal email to the Board of Education, September 17, 2021. (A compilation document showing 7 distinct areas where masks are harmful to children).
    2. My presentation to D11 School Board, October 13, 2021. (Exposing the consequences of obligation to the CARES II & III grants).
  5. Current events demand action.
    1. The public has started to demand answers from local school boards concerning mask mandates.
    2. The Nation School Board Association has asked J. Biden to designate public action against this atrocity as ‘Domestic Terrorism’.
    3. The U.S. Attorney General has attempted to codify this by enabling the F.B.I. to investigate citizens who speak to their local school boards.
  6. Future plans against our children.
    1. Vaccines are next to be mandated for children.
    2. Data Mining each child.
      1. Google and Microsoft already have enormous amounts of data on our children through online learning portals.
      2. ESSER grants give them the money to data mine our children for Racial, Economic, Social and many other statistics.
      3. If this is not stopped they will have complete control and data to control everyone.
    3. Contemplate why they (the powers against God) would be planning these next moves.

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