Ken’s Brief History

Ken’s Brief History

I was born August 5, 1949 to P. Dale Davis and Mabel V. Slonaker in Wheeling, West Virginia. My father was the youngest of nine; born to Scottish descent parents. My father was a medic in the army during World War II. After the war he met and married my mother, the youngest of 14 children of German and English descent. Since my mother was a small woman, she was only able to have one other child, my sister, Donna born October 25, 1950. I grew up in the states of West Virginia and Ohio, where after an accident in which my father’s back was broken, he began to study for the ministry. My father was a minister from 1962 – 1975. My parents are now deceased.

Upon graduation from high school, I attended Harding University in the state of Arkansas. Since we were poor, I worked all summer long and half of each week during school to pay for my education. I graduated in 1972 with 2 B.A degrees, theology and history. In college I began a study of music and upon graduation went to Europe to sing. I toured over 17 countries with a group of college students singing concerts for missionary efforts. During that time I also was blessed with the experience to help smuggle Bibles and other literatures, tape recorders and equipment into several countries behind the soviet block.

Upon return to the United States in 1971, I traveled to the state of New Mexico and was granted a musical audition. This resulted in a music scholarship that allowed me to continue my studies in theology and psychology for the next full year.

During the summer of 1972, I met and married my first wife, Joyce E. Fenley of Scottish descent. We were blessed with four children, Lisa Rachelle (May 13, 1973), Kristie Denise(May 11, 1975), Dawn Celeste (October 6, 1976), and Gabriel Brian (February 7, 1979). Lisa has two children, Renae, and Isabel. Kristie has three children, Ethan, Isaac, and Avianna. Dawn is unmarried. Gabriel has three children, Brennan, Kaela, and Ezekiel. Four children and nine grand-children, a true blessing.

My wife, Joyce died September 21, 2001 after a yearlong battle with cancer. Anyone who reads this would have loved to know her, but if you gather up all of my children and study them you will have known her.

A little of the history of those first 30 years after college. I graduated in a time of poor economy in America and attempted to teach school for the first two years of my career. The pay was so bad that I had to change occupations to be able to afford the basics of life for my new and growing family. This is the time of my life that I returned to the occupation of my fathers and became a carpenter. I continued in this business for the next 13 years. During the end of this period, I had began the study of a new technology, computers and obtained a MBA degree in computer technology. I also stepped into the arena of social intervention and helped stop some illegal landowners from stealing water and property from hundreds of people in the state of Arizona. This endeavor came at a great cost, my home and business, but the evil was stopped. This was a period of learning where the Lord showed me that politics and social efforts are not an effective means to change men’s hearts. The law of men is not enough to make men good. Lesson learned, I now know that you need to change men’s hearts with the truth of scripture and let them repent by their own choice. If evil has been done, the victims need love and consolation more than justice.

The next three years were a struggle, had to start all over, being an outcast by the very community that I had fought for and saved from disaster. Lesson from God, in whom do you trust? I had become more knowledgeable in the new industry of computers. We were surviving but not by much. It was during this time that we took our children out of the public schools in America and formed a private home school. The school grew to about 20 families and around 40 children in 2 years.

The economy was again poor and I attempted to form a computer company in Canada. In the winter of 1988 I took my family to Canada to begin a new start. It was there that I met a man of reputation in the plastics business. After 3 months of work for him, I was promoted to president of his companies. I worked for him for the next 3 years and gained wealth in excess of several million USD. In the spring of 1990 I discovered to my great dismay that he was stealing over 10 million dollars from future investors. I resigned from my position and quit my duties immediately. Ten days later I was falsely arrested and charged with theft (the charges were filed by my employer, he made the false charges so I could not be a witness against him for the theft of the over 10 million dollars), the police abused me severely and injured my shoulder, back and head. While I fought these false charges over the next six months, all of my financial gains were stolen and we were left with nothing. The charges were proven to be false; and, once again we began to start all over again. Lesson from God; store your treasures in heaven not on earth.

The last fifteen years have been a period of peace in that my work has been sufficient to meet our needs and I watched my children become adults and parents and form families on their own. Each of them has grown and nurtured their faith in God and have Christ as their saviour.

After the death of my children’s mother, I began a new life again. Starting over has been a theme in my life. Each time a tragedy turns into a lesson from God to make me stronger for the next lesson of life. However this time I was alone for the first time in my adult life.

The Lord was kind to me and I met Mary L. Jeffery in 2002. Meeting Mary became a struggle to learn a new lesson from God, that I could find another perfect woman and fall in love again. A measure of grace, peace and companionship few men have even been blessed with once, but for me twice? Mary brought to me a new era of my life. Mary is the oldest of three children born to missionary parents. She has lived in Angola, Portugal and America. She has two wonderful daughters, Anneke (October 1, 1974) has four children, Ethan, Avery, Gavin and Levi; Heidi (May 31, 1978) has two children Berend and Ava. Two new daughters and six new grand-children. God is good.

The Lord has brought Mary and I together in the last 21 years to a place that seems to us as if we have been married for decades. She is full of the Lord and we have been blessed with good work and wonderful times of study in the scripture together and bible studies at our new home in Colorado with new neighbors, friends and their children.

The next chapter of my life? It seems that the time has come to be ready for a new start again. This time, the final chapter of our lives is an exciting one.

Our years of trial and tribulation have given us the lessons from above. Now we must be going about His business and applying those lessons learned from our walk of faith to help those in need.

I am proud to serve Jesus Christ, to be His servant, to submit to His ways and will. He has taught me and bought me. To him I give the praise and glory that He has given me the life that you have just read about and that I can know in my heart that this scripture is true in my life.

Philippians 2:1-5 If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, 2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: KJV


Kenneth Davis